Bike Instruction

stay TUNEd for 2025 dates

Kids MTB Camps - 2024

  • June 11-13 @Jug Mountain Ranch 10:30am-12:30pm for ages 8+ Beginner/Intermediate Riders 
  • July 24-26 @Jug Mountain Ranch 10:30am-12:30pm for ages 8+ Beginner and Intermediate Riders

These camps are ideal for new and intermediate riders ready to learn and practice their off-trail MTB skills.  We will divide into groups based on age, skills and experience for lessons and rides.

You will need: A bike in good working condition, closed toed athletic shoes, helmet, water, snack, sunscreen applied, athletic or comfortable clothing and a great attitude.  

Beginner riders need to be proficient at riding a bike on asphalt and gravel.  For intermediate groups, riders should be very comfortable riding and negotiating green single-track trails. 

Registration opens April 30th and links will be posted here.